On the 7th of September an official online ceremony of announcement of the final results of ‘Best Bachelor’s Thesis’ and ‘Best Master’s Thesis’ competitions in an international project between Ukraine and the Czech Republic namely “Podpora, obnova a rozšíření výuky obnovitelných zdrojů energie a prohloubení trilaterální spolupráce NTU v Kyivě a VNTU ve Vinnytsii se ZČU v Plzni” (“Raising support, awareness, and popularity of the renewable energy sources and extending cooperation between Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in Kyiv, Vinnytsia National Technical University in Vinnytsia and the University of West Bohemia in Plzen”) which is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (23-PKVV-UM-011).

The contest between the graduates for the name of the best Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis in the field of renewable energy sources from the three universities mentioned above is the aim of this project. The first stage of the project which is to be carried out in the period from June 1st 2023 to December 31st 2023 has already received funding. The project is planned to continue running until December 31st, 2025.

MILAN BĚLÍK, PhD (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering of the University of West Bohemia in Plzen), the head of the laboratory of photovoltaic plants modelling of the Czech Photovoltaic Industry Association was the coordinator of the project from the University of West Bohemia.

I was very happy to receive and see your Bachelor’s and Master’s Theses. It was a pleasure for me to see the level and quality of these Theses which are quite similar to those in European universities. I believe we will find other ways of cooperation between our universities. The most competent and motivated students can be awarded certain grants and visit the University of West Bohemia in Plzen in person» – MILAN BĚLÍK.

Cooperation between departments of Czech and Ukrainian higher educational establishments was made possible due to the strong connection between the Renewable Energy Institute of Ukraine (REIU) and the University of West Bohemia. The latter actively participates in the conferences held by REIU, which in turn has a cooperative scientific and academic unit with Kyiv Polytechnic Institute called “Shared Department of Renewable Energy”.

The Czech Republic noted the high level of the Theses prepared by our students, their (Theses) uniqueness and the range of issues they cover. Students’ works were estimated using the next criteria: the level of actuality and the degree of covering the Thesis topic, practical relevancy of the work, structure of the Thesis, and the degree of credibility of the outcomes. Theses’ topics cover a wide range of subjects including solar energy, bioenergy, the utilization of mixed renewables, hydropower and energy storage. The jury, headed by Milan Bělík awarded the best students in each of the nominations.

Three best Theses in the “Best Bachelor’s Thesis” category were awarded with certificates and the authors of these works received grants:

1st place – Danylo SHYNKARENKO, a student of the ED-91 group

2nd place – Taras KOZIUPA, a student of the ED-91 group

3rd place – Mykola HREBENYK, a student of the ED-91 group

Three best Theses in the “Best Master’s Thesis” category were awarded with certificates and the authors of these works received grants:

1st place – Roman SEMENENKO, a student of the ED-11ms group

2nd place – Maksym POPKOV, a student of the ED-11mp group

3rd place – Anton KOVAL, a student of the ET-11mp group

Thesis supervisors from the academic staff of the Department of Renewable Energy received certificates and deep appreciation for the mentorship of students. Amongst them are: PHD, Prof. Oleksandr GAEVSKII, PHD, Prof. Volodymyr GOLOVKO, PHD, Prof. Oleksandr OSTAPCHYK, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Yuliya VYSHNEVSKA, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Maryna BYDKO, PhD, Assist. lecturer Serhiy PAZYCH.

The coordinator of the project from the Ukrainian side, PHD, Olena RUBANENKO, summed up that the initial stage of the project was successful, so from now onwards it is planned to extend the cooperation between universities by consulting the best-performance current and postgraduate students along with Czech academic staff, giving grants for scientific research and the opportunity for Ukrainian students to participate in international scientific conferences, including ones held on the territory of Czech Republic.

Deep gratitude to the organizers, participants of the contest and their supervisors was received from the head of the Department of Renewable Energy, PHD, Vasyl BYDKO. Academic head of the Department of Renewable Energy, corresponding member of NASU, PHD, Prof. Stepan KUDRIA joined the ceremony with the greeting and saluting words.

The success of our students is our collaborative accomplishment!