The development of the economies of all countries leads to an increase in energy consumption, and as a consequence, to a number of global environmental problems: climate change, air pollution by ash, dust, oxides and dioxins of nitrogen, toxic heavy metals, etc. In this regard, scientific and technical areas of energy saving, improving the energy efficiency of existing technologies and machines, optimal energy supply of industrial and residential buildings, development of alternative energy, ie the use of renewable energy from the sun, wind, water, tides, geothermal energy , biomass energy. The resource of energy that can be obtained from renewable sources is, on a human scale, inexhaustible.

Botievskaya WPP, Zaporozhye region
FES, Bolgrad, Odesa region
Danube FES, Artsyz, Odesa region
reg. Dniester HPP

As a member of the Energy Community, Ukraine has implemented EU Directive 2009/28 / EU on the promotion of renewable energy. Our state has committed itself to achieving the mandatory share of renewable energy in the structure of total consumption in 2020 at 11%.

As of the beginning of 2015, the total installed capacity of solar energy facilities excluding facilities in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is 412 MW, wind – 426 MW, small hydropower – 80 MW, bioenergy – 50 MW.

Installation electric power of RES in the world