Unconventional and renewable energy sources (RES) are part of the technology related to the development of theoretical foundations, methods and technical means of using solar, wind, tidal, wave, geothermal energy, bioenergy, hydropower of small rivers and other unconventional and renewable energy sources.

The objects of professional activity of the engineer in the specialty “Unconventional and renewable energy sources” are power plants, power plants and complex energy and energy complexes, which use RES.

An engineer majoring in NVD in accordance with the fundamental, general and special training can perform the following types of professional activities:

  • Design and engineering;
  • Production and technological;
  • Experimental research;
  • Organizational and managerial;
  • Operational and installation.

After graduating from the university, specialists and masters can work in the energy and electrical engineering of Ukraine: photovoltaic, wind, thermal and hydropower plants, bioenergy plants for biogas and electricity production, energy departments of enterprises, design bureaus for power plants based on RES-qualified. , “Research engineer”, “researcher”.

Мапа розміщення вітротурбін
Схема мережевої ФЕС